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'Celestial Lotus' Rocket sculpture, Leicester

Updated: Aug 8, 2023

Location: Belgrave Circle in Leicester, 2021. Rocket Round Leicester

Organised by local charity LOROS Hospice, Rocket Round Leicester ran for 10 weeks from 19th July 19, until the 26th September 2021.

As LOROS’ flagship fundraising event of the year, Rocket Round Leicester saw spectacularly-decorated sculptures steer a voyage of discovery across the city’s streets and open spaces like never before.

Standing at more than 8ft in height, each rocket was designed by an artist and sponsored by a local business.

The process

“The sculpture 'Celestial Lotus' is inspired by nature, space and the rich, diverse culture within Leicester.
The lotus flower is a symbol of enlightenment, self-regeneration and rebirth along with nature inspired artwork which is a nod to the greenery in the city."

The reaction from the public

#CelestialLotus rocket was loved by the public with many taking photos with the sculpture and shared across social media. A few of my favourites below.

Belgrave Circle in Leicester

The final sculpture

Rocket Round Leicester gave a huge economic boost to the region, with an estimated £9.87m additional visitor spend in the local economy and over 40,000 visitors took trips to the city museums, libraries and shopping centres that hosted the Junior Jets as they explored the trail.

75% of those who took part in a trail survey said it improved their opinion of Leicester and the local community.


Name: Celestial Lotus Location: Belgrave Circle in Leicester Client: Belgrave Circle in Leicester Materials - Fiberglass sculpture. Acrylic paint, metallic, coloured and black ink. Charity: LOROS Hospice

Sold at auction Related hashtags: #rocketroundleicester #celestiallotus


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