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'Cultural Celebrations' Oor Wullie sculpture, Edinburgh

Location: Royal Mile, Edinburgh, 2019. #BigBucketTrail

Oor Wullie’s BIG Bucket Trail was the first ever nationwide public art trail on the streets of Scotland’s cities for 11 weeks in June 2019. The event supported children’s hospital charities and celebrated Scotland’s favourite son, Oor Wullie.

The process

One of the most powerful forms of inspiration is from our world cultures.

We have a beautiful and rich diverse mix of people from different backgrounds and walks of life, sometimes all we need to do for inspiration is look around us.

Be inspired by others.


The reaction from the public

#CulturalCelebrations Oor Wullie was very popular on this trail and hundreds of locals and tourists took photos with the sculpture and shared them across social media.

Article in the Windsor Express

The final sculpture

Cultural Celebrations. In the centre of Old Town, just off the Mercat Cross and over the street from the Council, sits this Wullie atop a gold bucket. He represents a celebration of other cultures within Scotland who make it such a bonnie place. Sponsored by the City of Edinburgh Council.


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